OneHalf - Offshore Business Solutions

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to the most commonly asked questions. We're here to help with any queries you may have about our services or your experience with us.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. Why choose to offshoring with Onehalf?


Onehalf has been in operation since 2012 and was founded by our Managing Director George Kara. George first created the Onehalf business concept after utilizing offshore services within his own transport business for over two years prior. This process involved significant trial and error in order to fine-tune the service we provide. To date, experience has always been our advantage.

2. What differentiates Onehalf from other offshoring Providers?


Onehalf is a team of highly skilled and motivated professionals. Through experience we have learnt that flexibility and adaptability extremely important to business owners around the globe. While cultures differ from one country to another, our teams essential skills have proven to overcome these differences efficiently no matter the industry.
Onehalf is different because WE CARE about our people. We have created an environment that is both flexible and adaptable as we understand that not every customer is the same. We ensure that we employ motivated individuals that put our customers’ needs first. We understand that each business is different and put a huge focus into the continuous upskilling and development of our team to ensure maximum performance. One key aspect about Onehalf is we operate within YOUR business and become a part of YOUR team.

3. Is Onehalf an ethical employer?


Onehalf takes it social, cultural and ethical obligations very seriously.

We provide excellent working conditions for our staff.

We provide free childcare onsite so parents can have their children close when they need.

We also provide extended healthcare cover for staff over and above government provisions.

And most importantly we comply with all local pay and benefits statutes.
Onehalf is a large employer in Legazpi and many families benefit from our presence. This is something we are very proud of.

4. Is Onehalf an Australian based business?


Yes, Onehalf’s Managing Director is based in Melbourne head office at
St Kilda rd. We also have a local team based in Melbourne and Sydney to assist with onboarding, training and anything else that may be required.

5. I need help identifying what areas in my business I can offshore ; is there a fee for consultation?


There is zero consultation fee. Once you decide to offshore we will also be readily available to guide you through the process.

6. What sort of documentation do I need to prepare to start offshoring?


For starters, we would need you to share with us your company’s information.

  • Company’s Legal Name
  • Company’s Trade Name
  • Company’s Address
  • Company’s A.B.N.
  • Company’s A.C.N.
  • Company’s Authorised Signatory’s Name
  • Authorised Signatory’s Position.

7. What are the modes of payment with Onehalf subscription?


Direct Debit via Payrix System. You may choose between Direct Debit or pay via Credit Card (MasterCard,Visa or AMEX).

8. Is there a service charge using PAYRIX?


A very minimal fee of 0.77 AUD for Direct Debit and 1.75% for MasterCard and Visa Cards and 2.20% for American Express.

9. When does the Direct Debit occur?


It happens every 1st of the Month. In some cases when the 1st of the Month falls into a weekend or a holiday, the system processes the payments on the 1st business day of the month.

10. Do we get invoices?


Yes, an invoice will be sent to your nominated accounts email 2 days before the 1st of each month. This way you have 2 days to process through your system.

11. What about Overtime Charges?


Overtime charges will be applied when staff are required to work beyond set hours. Assigned staff will have to seek overtime authorisation from the client or their authorised representative if certain tasks are required to be finished beyond the allocated 8 hours shift.

The authorisation email will be attached with the invoice and will be sent to the nominated accounts email.

If there is no queries within the following 3 days, the payment will be manually processed via Payrix.

12. How do you calculate an Overtime Charge?


We calculate by the hour spent above the agreed 8 hours that is included in the subscription. Example:

Charge Type Amount
Monthly Charge $2,200.00
Annual Charge $26,400.00
Per Week (Annual Charge / 52) $507.69
Per Day (Per Week / 5 working days) $101.54
Hourly Overtime Rate (Per Day / 8 hrs) $12.69
Plus GST

13. Does Onehalf have a cancellation fee and / or cancellation process?


There is no cancellation fee. The process for cancelling Onehalf services is as simple as providing us a minimum of 1 calendar months’ notice. Please note that all monthly fees are paid in advance, if your fee has been paid for the month our policy is that you will receive the services for the remainder of that month. Invoices for the following month will be adjusted accordingly if required. No refunds will be processed.

14. What do I need to know about Public Holidays for both Australia and the Philippines?


Most National Public Holidays within Australia are very similar to the Philippines, National Public Holidays being; Christmas Day, Good Friday and New Year’s Day. These days are non-negotiable holidays that will be given to all Onehalf employees.

Holidays outside of the National Holidays mentioned above will be discussed with our customers in advance. Our customers will decide whether or not their allocated Onehalf staff member will work on other National and State Public Holidays.

Apart from the 3 non-negotiable holidays mentioned above, the Onehalf Human Resources team will send out a courtesy email regarding work requirements on Australian State and National Holidays.

It is also our client’s responsibility to advise Onehalf whether their allocated staff is required to work on Australian public holidays. This does not alter or reduce the monthly set fee agreed upon within the contract.

In the Philippines the Thursday before Good Friday is known as ‘Holy Thursday’ and is treated similarly to Easter Monday in Australia. This is a very important day in the Philippines however if an allocated Onehalf staff member is required to work on the Thursday (Holy Thursday), they will receive the following Monday (Easter Monday) off.

Please see below details of Public Holidays in the Philippines:

1 Jan New Year's Day Regular Holiday
Changes Yearly
Maundy (Holy) Thursday Regular Holiday
Changes Yearly
Good Friday Regular Holiday
The Day of Valor Regular Holiday
Labor Day Regular Holiday
Independence Day Regular Holiday
Changes Yearly
Eidul-Fitar Regular Holiday
Changes Yearly
Eid Al-Adha Regular Holiday
National Heroes Day Regular Holiday
Bonifacio Day Regular Holiday
Christmas Day Regular Holiday
Rizal Day Regular Holiday

15. What are the means of Communication with my offshore staff?


You can communicate with them via the following:

  • Email
  • VOIP Telephone
  • Zoom/Google meet/ MS Teams/ WhatsApp Etc.
  • Or any type of Messenger you already have within your business

16. How much would it cost me to subscribe to Onehalf VOIP System?


Basic Handset Yealink Brand cost is $184.21 AUD plus GST; this is a One-time payment fee.
Monthly Fee for VOIP is $20 AUD plus GST.
$0.12 cents per call. Fixed to all landlines.
$0.29 cents per minute charged in per second increments.
$0.30 AUD 1300 Untimed.

17. How will I pay for the Phone Service?


Encoo the service provider will invoice you separately for the services.
It will also be via Payway directly to our business partner.

18. What equipment is provided to my Onehalf allocated staff member when I subscribe to Onehalf service?


You will get the following:

  • LENOVO Laptop Intel Core i7 8GB Memory

19. What if I need additional devices for my staff over and above what we include in the service?


We can easily provide this with an additional one-time cost for devices, see below:

Extra Monitor
18 inches $196.43
21.5 inches $210.53
Ink Jet $131.58
Toner Type $157.89
Stand Alone $105.26
Scanner with Printer $210.53
Additional 2 GB Ram $78.95
Upgrade to Core i5 $131.58
Additional HD 500 GB $113.16
Dedicated IP Address $184.21

Please note that prices may vary depending on the exchange rate PHP / AUD Should you require a specific device, please email our IT Department Via and we’ll provide pricing at that time.

20. What about consumables?


Consumables used for additional devices over and above standard allocation will be charged on a consumption basis. An invoice will be sent to your nominated accounts email.

21. What are the type of Service bundle do you offer at Onehalf?


We offer 3 Types of service bundle.

  • FTE - 8 hours a day, 5 days a week
  • PTE - 4 hours a day, 5 days a week
  • Project Base - Hourly Rate

We operate 24/7 so we can tailor any solution

22. Do Onehalf staff get daily breaks?


Absolutely. They get a break in the morning, 1 hour for lunch and a break in the afternoon.

23. How do you monitor these breaks?


We have an internally developed system called OH-SNAP, which enables us to monitor activities as well as breaks.

24. Tell me more about OH Snaps?


OH Snaps is an application we use for the following purpose:

  • Monitor staff attendance
  • Monitor staff activities
  • Monitor break times

OH Snaps features are as follows:

  • Monitors keyboard activity
  • Screenshots the staff screen every 10 minutes
  • Pops up for task completion percentage
  • Creates daily activity reports
  • Monitors idle times and screen locks(only supervisor will be able to unlock)

25. How can I monitor my Onehalf staff progress?


We require our staff to send in a Daily Activity report which consists of the following information: to the client’s nominated internal personnel.

  • Task Name
  • Task Description
  • Task Start Time
  • Task End Time
  • Percentage of completion

The above information is available to our clients and can be emailed to the nominated email at request.
Alternatively, if our client requires a specific format to be submitted, we can work within their own established formats.

26. What about KPI Reports?


We can provide all reports upon request. These KPI Reports provide insight into speed, accuracy and error measurements.

27. What if my allocated staff member is sick or needs time off?


As a part of Onehalf’s internal processes, we have dedicated redundant staff who learn basics of our clients’ businesses and processes. Onehalf manages staff leave internally so that there is no disruption of service.

28. How does Onehalf confirm that employed staff are trustworthy and responsible?


Throughout the recruitment process there are a number of checks completed, these include:

Examination – Primarily to identify which part of the business they are best qualified for. This is determined through a series of questions of Logical and Situational scenarios.

Initial Interview from Human Resource – Primarily to analyse confidence, employment & educational background and family/living situation. All reviews are conducted in order to identify the best candidate for client requirement.

Before a new employee is hired, they are required to provide the following documentation:

  • Health Clearance – Fit to Work Certificate.
  • NBI and Police Clearance Report.